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"...Rodrigues is one of the wonders of the world. Not only for its lanscape.
It's a whole, a wonderful symbiosis between man and nature..."
- Nicolas Hulot, L'express Rodrigues, Nov.2010
Welcome to quietness
- trankil douseman, ici pas galoupé -
Situated in Graviers, a small farmers and fishermen village on the South East coast of Rodrigues , Case Corail , a cosy and charming guesthouse , offers three rooms with optionnal meals at a walking distance of the island's most beautiful beaches.

"...Rodrigues compte parmi les grandes beautés du monde. Pas seulement pour ses paysages. C'est un tout,
une magnifique symbiose entre l'homme et l'environnement.." Nicolas Hulot, L'express Rodrigues, Nov.2010
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